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 Tips for Getting Started

Getting Started

Allotrope, without a doubt, is the best year round hunting tool harvesters have available. This plant provides  harvesters a means to detect Matsutake any time, except when the ground is covered with snow. Spring and summer walks in suspect areas could be extremely rewarding.  Try to locate areas at a variety of elevations and aspects. Most years have a defined production area. Mushrooms are only produced at certian elevations and aspects. Knowing areas high, low, sunny, and dark, gives you better odds mushrooms will emerge in an area you scouted. Take the time to find areas before harvest begins, not when you should be harvesting.

Allatrope can also be useful during harvest. Their dead bodies can be seen most any time. While harvesting, examine areas near them. There may be no mushrooms, but at least you know you are looking in an area that will produce if conditions are right. Alatropa Virgata


The importance of forecasting has not been fully realized by the "Matsutake World". Partially due to an inability to understand, but mostly disbelief. All forecasting information provided here is based in statistical evaluations over a 9 year period. 

Forecasting fruiting conditions includes knowing when and where it will start, how fast will they grow, and how much can be expect. All categories of forecasting are not necessary to become a successful harvester.


To start, mushrooms must form. Formation falls under the category, "How Much", and isn't information needed to know when , but if there will be any and how much. Formation begins with the first cooling in the fall. The second cooling is when  mushrooms can begin to grow. Basic rule to start looking, Two cold spells, or frosts. This rule can be followed in most cases. Variations are attributed to fruit growth category, "How Fast". Mushrooms can start, but not grow.


Where can be more difficult to determine. Knowing exactly where requires extensive knowledge of the area in question. Getting a general idea is less difficult. Depth of original formation cooling is the key. Basic rule, The deeper the cooling, the sunnier the aspect, and the lower the elevation. Example: One year you harvested on the north side, at a high elevation. You found, or remember that the first cooling wasn't that deep. Another year the cooling was much deeper, and you found mushrooms in sunnier aspects and lower elevations. Similar cooling will produce in the same places.
If you don't have this information, all is not lost. A visit to your allotrope areas is necessary. Start looking in the coolest spots. Look within a few feet of allotrope sightings. If you find none, don't give up. Move to areas a little sunnier. Still none, change elevation. After you locate fruiting, note where fruiting is occurring. Elevation, sun exposure, aspect, and mushroom age are the keys. Age of mushrooms is immediately useful. Whatever age you find indicates older mushrooms in cooler places, and younger in sunnier. Basic rule, If you are finding older mushrooms, move toward the sun to find younger. If you are finding immature, move toward cooler spots. This rule can be followed in most cases. Variations are attributed to fruit growth category, "How Fast". Mushrooms can grow at different rates depending on warmth. You may find younger mushrooms in cooler spots simply because they are not growing as fast. This is not the usual, but does happen. Use the knowledge acquired on this scout to find more areas. On your next stop, look for a similar situation. Most harvesters go into the forest looking at the ground. Look at the canopy and the exposure. Let them guide you to the same conditions where you have found fruiting that year. Then start looking for mushrooms. 

How Fast

Growth rate depends on temperature changes. A general warming is needed with a variation in daily high and low temps. Extreme warming can slow growth, dry out, or burn mushrooms. Basic rule, The more the difference between daily high and the low, the faster growth. Plan harvest schedules using this rule. Sunnier areas will require more frequent visits than cooler. For more information refer to: Fruit Growth

How Much

Forecasting how much will be produced is the most difficult for most. There are many variables which influence final out come. Formation period is also temperature effected. Moisture is not necessary to form mushrooms. Many cases of bumper crop years, without rainfall, are a matter of record. The time between first cooling and second is the formation period. Basic rule, The longer the period between first cooling and second, with warming of 5 - 12 degree average daily air temp, the more productive the season. Elements which inhibit formation are limited warming, too much warming and extended cooling. More than one formation period may exist in a given year. Continued cooling enables more area, sunny aspects and lower elevations, to begin formation. a warming after several cooling events, each a little cooler than the previous, could form mushrooms.

For more info: Fruit Formation

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