Managers at the Diamond Lake Ranger District on the Umpqua National Forest are implementing uneven aged silvicultural prescriptions to promote forest health and habitat for the matstutake mushroom. Uneven age prescriptions leave a range of age and size classes for all tree species. A small helicopter was used to harvest the Paw Chopper timber sale to minimize ground disturbance, which has been proven to adversely affect matsutake production through the Diamond Lake matsutake harvest study. Large Shasta red fir, the main host tree for matsutake in the area, were left on site over the 700 acre area. Pre-commercial thinning is also planned to reduce natural tree regeneration densities, therefore allowing more light to reach the forest floor. This is advantageous for matsutake fruiting and the health and vigor of the stand. The photos below show the area after harvest. These areas will be monitored in the future. |