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Mushrooms vs. Logs

Many pickers become concerned when they find there patches are scheduled for logging. Logging usually means the end of picking in logged area. However, in some cases ground disturbance and trees selected for cutting may be altered to limit adverse effects. It is also possible to eliminate logging proposals, if the mushrooms value (mushroom value could include social and community importance) exceeds logs.

All logging by government agencies is subject to review by the public and can be found on the Schedule of Proposed Action, or SOPA. During the SOPA process the public has the opportunity to express concerns.  Below is a form letter to aid pickers in addressing their concern. Letters should be sent to the district managing the proposal.

I am writing in regards to planed proposal________. I am concerned tree removal and ground disturbance will adversely effect matsutake mushroom production. What is the silviculture treatment and expected ground disturbance? 

In this paragraph describe the importance of considering mushrooms in the proposal.

In this paragraph describe any assistance you may offer in evaluating mushroom conserving amendments to the proposal.

In this paragraph ask to be notified of any modifications to proposal.


Address and/or Phone number.

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