Nontimber Businesses Wanted for OSU Database

Do you have a business that harvests, buys, sells, and/or processes wild mushrooms, floral greens, medicinal herbs, or other nontimber forest products? Want to find new markets for your products, connect with a buyer or seller, or network with others in your field? If so, register now at, a regional businesses directory for nontimber forest products hosted by Oregon State University.  For more information contact:
The Institute for Culture and Ecology, non-profit research and education organization that has worked for many years in nontimber forest products research and outreach, working in collaboration with Oregon State University, recently received a grant from the US Department of Agriculture to help develop markets for non-timber forest products, including wild mushrooms, wildcrafted medicinal herbs, floral greens, etc.  Part of the project involves expanding an on-line business directory developed by OSU to network businesses that buy and sell nontimber forest products. Originally developed to link businesses that buy and sell wood products other than industrial timber, IFCAE has expanded the nontimber forest products section to try to better network businesses in this sector. To become a part of this free directory, register online at , and click on the “register” button.  For more information about this project, go to the Institute for Culture and Ecology website (