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Forest Farming of Matsutake Mushroom

Anyone who has experienced the joy of finding that super patch knows how good it can be. It would seem there must be some way  to help mother nature produce more mushrooms more often.

The fruiting habits of matsutake are erratic and unreliable to say the least. No two seasons are the same. There maybe thousands of pounds per square mile, or none at all. The number of pounds produced is the first variable noted. Fruiting can be many patches, with a few mushrooms, evenly disbursed, or only a few patches in a confined area, each patch producing many. Some patches produce large numbers and nearby patches, equally as productive the previous year, produce few or none.

Forest farming is enhancement of existing fruiting areas to produce more mushrooms per patch, more often. Some areas and situations, may require enhancement for size also. No expansion of the mycelium mass is considered.


  Water is considered by experts and amateurs to be the primary influence in mushroom production. Water does have an influence as indicated by a study conducted in 1995. Statistics clearly defined  an increase in weight per mushroom.

However more mushrooms were found in like areas not watered. These results confirmed forest enhancement could be achieved. Areas dry, during fruiting, could produce more pounds if watered.

Water may also cause formation process to begin. Thermal conductive properties of water lower soil temperatures and primordia begins. Examples are observed in the Oregon Cascades. Areas which receive late summer showers, are the primary or only productive areas. Veteran harvesters are known to observe these showers and target areas receiving rain.

Water may be used to trigger fruiting. Soil temperatures above trigger are lowered by cold water or ice. These methods have been tested and by reliable accounts, are successful.


Manipulating temperature is the most effective means to enhance production. Changes in canopy closure, minor brushing, and tunnels can influence the number, and pounds produced.
Farming can be as simple as piling moist leaves on young ones.
Forest farming of commercial wild mushrooms has no background and no reliable source of information.

Statistically sound theories and current studies are the only known source. Attempts at forest farming maybe practical in some areas at some times. If you are interested, Email and information will be provided.

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