features play an important role in all aspects of
matsutake fruit production. Where fruit is formed,
flushed, and rate of growth, can often be determined by
studying the geography of an area. Veteran harvesters
rely on contour maps to target areas likely to produce,
and eliminate non productive areas. Basic understanding
of contours maps saves time and energy.
Lets start
with the top half of a basketball.
The lines across are one inch
apart. It is easy to see this half ball is 5 inches high.
That is all the lines on a contour map indicate, height
of an object. |
Look down , from the top of the
ball. This is how the top of a perfectly round mountain
would look. It's easy to see how tall the ball is. To
find how far it is across this mountain, measure the
distance across the lines. There will be a mileage scale
in the legend. Compare your measurement with legend
You now know what basketball mountain looks like, let's look at football mountain. |
You can see this mountain is longer than tall. |
Note the lines, of the top view, are further apart at the
ends. The further apart the lines, the
flatter the surface.
If you were choosing a way to climb
this mountain, it would be easier climbing to start from
the end. Starting from top or bottom would be shorter
distance, but much steeper. The line down the middle
indicates the ridge.
Unfortunately mountains on a map aren't that easy. Nature
provided gullies, draws, folds, rolls, creeks, ridges,
flats, and many other irregularities.
Here are some examples of realistic figures found on
contour maps.
The area with the circle shows a creek. Note the creek is
much steeper near the top. The heavy line indicates a
ridge. |
Here are two peaks. The one on the right is much flatter
and not as high. Heavy line shows the ridge. Lighter
lines indicate smaller ridges . Note the curves. Curves
pointing away the top are ridges. Curves pointing toward from the top are draws. |